sometimes we wrestle with an issue.
sometimes days, weeks, months or in my case decades.
The Lord revealed to me a path this morning
I struggle to write it out
here is my clumbsy start
when what is used to numb the pain
becomes an addiction
followed by shame
the possable path - there are many senerios to address many unique stries
What I am writing comes out of years of aganising over inner conflicts
struggling to know what so say to Christians like me
I read of the shame of a gay student in a Church run school
( the context was the boy who shamed him was later found to be gay himself)
How many Christians feel shame from smoking or drinking etc?
unlike sexuality these are choices, habits laced with shame and guilt.
What can I share?
I am grateful to a Christian friends who shared God's grace with me.
and more recently the preaching of Tullian Tchividjian at TheSanctuaryJupiter on Facebook and You Tube.
The process of shame removal.
analogy - wash it of
or if an abuser has dumped shame hand it back ( imagine handing it back) I never actually handed it back
I just said in my mind "it belongs to you" ( the evil doer) who sinned against me.
then and only then could I forgive
others are able to simply forgive,
Scripture - the sharp two edged sword.
a weapon of our warfare
'There is therefore no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus" Romans 8 v 1
trusting the Lord through our trials and afflictions and our weaknesses
" All things work together for good for those who are called according to His purpose..." Romans 8 v 28
" For freedom Christ has set us free
Stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ has set us free
and do not get entangled in the yoke of bondage" Galations 5 v 1
It is subtle
the bondage Paul is talking about is legalism or law.
the law is our teacher
the law sets our boundaries
the problem is that we sin = we fall short of keeping the law.
Let us having received Christ live in Christ
and Christ in us.
There is a freedom is Christ without being willfull law breakers
we lack the ability to keep the law.
Galations 5 goes on to outline the battle between the lusts of the flesh and the fruits of the Spirit.
let us work out our own salvation Philippians 2:12
without laying burdens on the bretheren.
or rules we cannot keep equilivants ourselves due to respectable sins or secreat sins.
May the Lord continue to lead us and guide us.
Continue in God's word
Search the scripturs
Proverbs 3 v 6 Trust the Lord with all your heart.