Readers who do not agree

with the presuppositions

may find the secular site



The Forgiveness Project

looking at what forgiveness is

 and what it is not.




   "Men Opening hearts to Jesus"


is written by a Christian adult survivor for adult  Christian survivors from my journey of recovery.

    therefore some aspects may be of assistance

     others may be irrelevant to you.

with the following Presuppositions:

  • The Bible is the revealed word of God.
  • God created us ( Genesis 1-3 and John 1)  

          we are "fearfully and wonderfully made"   Psalm 139 v 14 

          To put it in scholarly language neuro physiologically complex.

  • Jesus promised if we continue in His word ( progressively, holding onto the precepts)

          we will know the truth and the truth will set us free.  John 8:31-32

  • Jesus Christ heals and restores our broken hearts.
  • Jesus is the answer. ( Link to Andre Crouch singing  "Jesus is the answer")
  • Jesus is "the light of the world"  John 8 v 12  He shines his light into our dark places.
  • God speaks into our unique situation.
  • He is a light to our path  Psalm 119 v 105  - your path   our journeys of recovery vary.