"Men Opening hearts to Jesus"
is written by a Christian adult survivor for adult Christian survivors from my journey of recovery.
therefore some aspects may be of assistance
others may be irrelevant to you.
with the following Presuppositions:
- The Bible is the revealed word of God.
- God created us ( Genesis 1-3 and John 1)
we are "fearfully and wonderfully made" Psalm 139 v 14
To put it in scholarly language neuro physiologically complex.
- Jesus promised if we continue in His word ( progressively, holding onto the precepts)
we will know the truth and the truth will set us free. John 8:31-32
- Jesus Christ heals and restores our broken hearts.
- Jesus is the answer. ( Link to Andre Crouch singing "Jesus is the answer")
- Jesus is "the light of the world" John 8 v 12 He shines his light into our dark places.
- God speaks into our unique situation.
- He is a light to our path Psalm 119 v 105 - your path our journeys of recovery vary.