within the context

of a subset of salvation

and Christian growth


my testimony

is that the Lord showed me

my heart was filled with darkness

when the memory vault

was opened

and the Lord shone His light

into my dark cave

memories of early childhood

sexual trauma flooded out.

  He washed me

  He cleansed me.

God's word is relevant

  to my recovery.


I rely on God's grace

His great redemption.


my recovery is


as I trust in  the Lord

to guide me,

  sexual trauma is complex

the principals here

have been applied

along with therapy.


grid of issues





I suggest Christian survivors

undergo deep preparation

and regulate the release of

   traumatised memories

  • know God loves us.
  • Love casts out fear
  • Hope in God
  • trust in the Lord.

I have gained much comfort reading the Psalms

praying for God's help.


trusting God to use everything for good

    Romans 8 v 28

  even what was intended for evil


pray for His love and peace.

   when memories are triggered.

sometimes He uses our suffering

   to build our character.

Ï waited patiently on the Lord.

our relationship with God

   is paramount.

my recovery is secondary.

my recovery takes time.

He releases us from

  guilt and shame.

Romans b v 1

may God deliver us

from self loathing.


Forgiveness is helpful

but whilst forgiving those who harmed us

and forgiveness washes away

 the puss of bitterness and resentment

it is for God to remove the sword of abuse

without emotional bleeding

asking Him to apply 

His healing balm.

and bind up the wound.

   just as we see in

the parable of

the Good samaritian

   who gave first aid.

 and took the wounded, traumatised man

to the safety of an inn.

    Prov 3 v 6

"Trust in the Lord...

... acknowledge Him

and He will direct your paths

I feel so inadequate.

for some my words will be inadequate


   I offer you my compassion

you may find the resources on

aussie survivors  

of some assistance.

it has links to

sexual assault services.

some may want to

     jump between sites.

the journey of recovery

      varies  for each of us.





   Ezekiel Chapter 11  verses 19 to 21

        In this passage God says He will gather His people and give them a new heart.

A heart of flesh not a heart of stone

  a new heart that will love the Lord our God with all our heart, mind, soul and strength,


                 I find great hope in this verse.  Hope that God will give me a new fresh clean heart

a hear that loves God more than ourselves.


              a  heart free to enjoy God

              a heart free to love and be loved


    meditate on this scripture

    meditate on God's love and redemption. .